Eliminating red and yellow dyes

Since the red dye #40 and yellow dye #5 have been eliminated from Jane's diet, I have seen very little erratic behavior. Before this diet I would have sheets of ABC charts filled up by the end of the week. Now I have filled up two for the entire month of October! She hasn't screamed nonsense or laid on the floor in a tantrum. It has been a pleasure to be around her. Lately, I have just been prompting her to talk to peers. There is even a girl in her class that came over and put her arm around Jane when the teacher was pairing kids up to let the teacher know to pair them together. I nearly cried. In the past, children would move away from her or tease her. She told me later that that girl is now her best friend and she hopes they can play at each other's houses. Honestly, I never thought she even wanted friends.

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