Hyperlexia, Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Disapointment

I went back to work today for a staff inservice, the children come next Tuesday. My position is a 1:1 aide in an autistic support room. I have been working with one boy for two years as his one to one but when I got in today his teacher (my supervisor) said I would be working with another boy. This was so disapointed because my boy is very important to me, I have developed a great bond with him, and I finally understand him and how to manage his behavior. Now I have to start all over with a new boy, whom I've worked in the same room with for six weeks over the summer but not one to one because it we were told that another aide would be working with him through the school year, so she worked with him over the summer. I wish I would have paid more attention to him. But things will be different anyway, we will be trying to do regular ed as much as possible.
Aside from the disapointment of leaving my old buddy, it will be exciting to work with a new child. He has Hyperlexia and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Both disorders are unfamiliar to me, so I will do research to help me structure his reward systems and behavior plan. I'll post my discoveries here.

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