Child Abuse

I just learned that Mahesh's behaviors began when his grandmom came from India to live with his family. She took on the role as disciplinarian and started physically disciplining him. Last year his teacher took him to the nurse to document a gash on his face from something she had done to him. I have not seen any physical marks on him yet but as soon as I do, I will take him to the nurse to document it and call child protection services. This will be my second call this school year and it is only October. Sometimes working with children is so sad.

On a happy note, Mahesh has had no severe behavior problems for the past two days. Tuesday as we were walking out to the bus, I noticed he was mesmerized by the safeties. So I told him that the only way to become a safety is by having good behavior and making good choices everyday. On Wednesday, I got a safety belt out of the closet to hang on his chair to remind him of his goal. I also had Andrew in regular ed for almost two hours today, he tried his best, answered some questions and even did partner work with a typical child. i just had to constantly remind him to use his self control. That was fantastic.

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