Quest for Information

In the presentations and articles I've been apart of around my community and province, there is a common theme to every crowd I speak to : the desire to know more about Autism.

As parents and supporters we tend to read everything we can on the subject hoping to find another clue in the mystery of this diagnosis. There are also people out there that claim to be experts in this field and many of them deserve that title. What we need to be careful of , though, are the people that think they know it all and therefore stop searching for the most up - to - date research.

I may know a lot about Autism but I am far from being an expert on anything more then my children. I am , first and foremost, a human with a brain that has lots of room for knowledge (some would say there is a lot of empty space to fill haha) and the day I stop searching will be the day my children take over for me since I will be at the feet of my Saviour,  where autism doesn't exist.

The field of expertise that I am a professional at is the knowledge of my children and where they are on the Autism Spectrum. The only being that knows them better is God himself. The doctors may have a lot of information with technical terms and charts that fill up football fields... but I know my child best. Period.

With that knowledge I search for answers on how to help my children and the icing on the cake is when it helps other families as well. I am quickly finding that this my calling in life : to share my knowledge. I love who I know, I love what I know and I have the Gift Of Gab so it works wonderfully :)

In my current quest for knowledge I am preparing to attend the Autism Biennial Congress in Vancouver BC in April. I plan to soak up as much as I can and bring it back to Thompson and this blog.

here is the schedule of sessions and I welcome you to contact me if you have interest in any particular session and I will do my best to bring back some information for you. I will be mostly focusing on the Behavior side of things but will take part in a couple Biomedical as well . Its so hard to choose since they all look amazing!
Conference Schedule

I am thrilled to be traveling out to the coast to see family as well AND I am especially grateful to my loving husband who will be holding down the fort here at home while I schmooze with the experts and have a hotel room all to myself.


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