Update since accident

After 2 weeks on bedrest, pain medication and muscle relaxants plus daily visits to the Chiropractor I am happy to report the following:

My husband had 1 week off from work and then my 17 year old step sister came to stay with us for 1 week so that I could focus on getting better while they ran the house including homeschooling!

I am up and moving around with only very limited aches if I sit , stand or walk for too long.

My three physicians -- Chiropractor, Ear Nose & Throat Specialist & family doctor (who are all Christian! ) report that the swelling in pulled tendons in my neck (front) and pulled muscles in my neck (rear) , upper back, lower back, shoulders & chest has all been eliminated!

I was sent 8 hours away(I went 1.5hrs by plane) to the nearest MRI facility and those results came back CLEAR !

Our vehicle damage totaled around $4000 but this was mostly covered by MPI, with the exception of a small deductible. We will also be reimbursed for the purchase of new carseats for the ones that are now deemed unsafe after the accident (remember that the children were not in the carseats at the time of the accident).

I am scheduled for a LONG list of tests, blood work, glucose testing , EKG's etc etc to aid in finding a cause of the dizzy spells.

I will be seeing my family doctor every 2 weeks and my chiropractor every 2nd day , for rehabilitation until I am considered safe to drive again.

I am eternally grateful for the Lord's protection and provision during this time and I really appreciate all the prayers.

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