Canada is at it again keeping immigrant families separated because one of the family's children has an autism disorder. A few months ago many residents of New Brunswick were shocked to learn that a hard working, respected South Korean family, the Maeng family, that had been living in Moncton, New Brunswick for several years would either all be deported or would be separated because one of their children had an autism disorder and epilepsy. That case ended well for the Maeng family when local residents and elected representatives in New Brunswick stepped up to the plate and intervened with the federal government. Now another family has actually been kept apart for two years even though the father is a productive manager of a helicopter transport operation in Chilliwack because a daughter is autistic.
As reported by the Chilliwack Times, after a two year investigation Krishnan Balakrishnan, Transwest Helicopter's general manager, was informed in June 2010 that his daughter would not be allowed to come to Canada because she had an autism diagnosis. The Chilliwack Times details Krishnan Balakrishnan business skills and history and the decision he will have to make about whether to stay in Canada or go home soon to reunite with his family. The owner of Transwest Helicopter is not happy with the prospect of losing a valued senior manager and calls Citizen and Immigration Canada's decision cruel, bureaucratic and idiotic.