Kim Oakley and her family are not researchers studying high functioning autism and trying to convince the world that autism is beautiful. They are not ill informed mainstream "journalists" looking for a feel good story about autism. They are a family caring for a family member severely affected by an autism disorder. They are courageous in caring for Kim Oakley's son and they are courageous again for sharing their struggle honestly with a world that doesn't have the faintest clue about the realities of severe autism disorders, a world misled into thinking that autism is an advantage not a disorder. The following video, Autistic Cases 'Autism Experts' Run From', by Kim Oakley, portrays severe autism as experienced in her home ... straight up and honestly:
This father of a son with severe Autistic Disorder applauds Kim Oakley and her family for caring for their son despite the challenges and for trying to tell the world about the realities of severe autism disorders and the challenges they present for those who suffer from them and those who care for them.