Autism Paradox

I saw this online the other day and found it intriguing enough to share since it describes my boys to a T .  

THE Autism Paradox....... ♥
 1. It's easy to recite an entire book but difficult to make up a story. 
2. It's easy to line up toys but difficult to stay in line.
 3. It makes perfect sense to climb on the sofa but little sense to sit on it. 4. Memorizing the Prime Ministers in order - 10 minutes.
 Packing a school bag - 10 hours.
 5. Family pictures on the wall are boring but that speck of dust next to it, now that's fascinating! 
6.Talking about weather patterns - a piece of cake. Talking about my day - near impossible.
 7. Ability to focus on spinning objects - timeless. Ability to focus on homework - 3 seconds.
 8. Being called by name - can't hear it. Some owl hooting in the distance - clear as a bell.
 9. How to operate the remote control - zero instruction. How to button up pants - intensive instruction. 
10. Navigating social rules - poorly skilled. Navigating from the back seat of the car - highly skilled.

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