Conor's Fredericton 2012 - Part II

The Autism Society New Brunswick met on several occasions with senior civil servants during the administration of successive provincial governments to advocate for a modern residential care facility and system. The concept was to have a  facility located in Fredericton because of its central location and proximity to the autism expertise of  UNB, UNB-CEL and the Stan Cassidy Centre. The centre would provide an alternative to the general psychiatric hospital facilities at Centracare in Saint John and at the Regional Hospital in Campbellton.  The professional advisers at the centre could then provide services on as needed basis to group homes situated in local communities around the province for those with more moderate impairment levels.  

I have personally suggested that an additional reason for locating the central residential care and treatment facility in Fredericton  is Fredericton's outstanding natural environment.  So far, no luck. So far, immobility of thought and action have prevailed.  The ideological rigidity of the current Alward government  further preclude any development as described above and on the CBC web site by Clinical Psychologist and UNB Professor Emeritus (Psychology) Paul McDonnell.  The years long frustration though will not prevent me from continuing to advocate and do not prevent our family from enjoying the natural wonder of Fredericton.

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