Medicare's Orphans: Jean Lewis On The Struggle for Autism Treatment In Canada

The video and clip below are from the Medicare for Autism Now web site and feature MFAN co-founder Jean Lewis, one of Canada's foremost autism advocates, providing an articulate, personally informed summary of the struggle for autism treatment in Canada.  

Jean keeps the discussion on a non-partisan level and discusses the fight to end Canada's inhumane and  discriminatory exclusion of treatment for those with autism disorders in the context of other historic struggles for liberation from discrimination based on race and gender. A very important point to remember in Jean's message is that such struggles are never overnight affairs.  They are essentially political wars which involve many battles before the wars are won.  

For those of us who are parents it is difficult  but it is, and always will be, necessary to stay engaged in the battles, to continue the fight and to assist newcomers who need to join the political armies fighting for a humane, Canadian  government to fulfill the promise of Medicare of which Canadians are justifiably proud  and ensure coverage of evidence based treatment for autism disorders. 

Jean Lewis, co-founder of Medicare for Autism Now and Civil Rights Now and co-producer of Medicare’s Orphans discusses the purposes of the film — which are provide a detailed history of the autism treatment movement, and to help maintain momentum in the campaign for justice.


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