Shannon Rosa, with the Twitter help of Seth Mnookin and Dr. Jon Brock is at it again, misrepresenting autism disorders and the state of knowledge about autism causation and of course blaming autism parents fighting for their children for the latest report of a professional caregiver abusing an autistic child because they dare talk honestly about the negative aspects of autism DISORDERS :
"At their worst, negative media-sown autism messages influence people like Greg Simard, who brutally beat a 12-year-old, non-speaking autistic boy in his care. Simard justified his actions by saying of the boy, .... Some autism parents never find their way out of that initial horror and negativity, .... These parents see other autistics writing, speaking, participating in online communities, and their furor increases -- how dare those autistics say good things about autism, when their kids need 24 hour supervision?"
Ms. Rosa's wild, hostile opinions are not substantiated by evidence or professional consensus of any kind but that doesn't stop Mnookin and Brock from spreading her hateful messages. In the instant case there is no basis whatsoever to the claim that the media focuses on negative stereotpyes or that it does so because of bad autism parents. Temple Grandin is celebrated around the world. John Elder Robison and son Cubby regularly receive promotion on CNN. Television series inevitably portray autism in the form of the socially awkward but otherwise brilliant, high functioning techie, geek syndrome as autism.
Rosa's claim that the abusive caregiver is influenced by the alleged overwhelming dominance of negative media stories is absurd and, once again, based on no evidence whatsoever. An abuser makes a cheap comment in the media and Rosa accepts it as reality because, in her mind, it confirms her negative views of other autism parents who do not share her views. This is no accident. A mother in Colorado killed her autistic child and stated that she did so because she feared the child was autistic. Rosa leaped to the attack against autism parents speaking honestly about their children's autism disorders blaming them for the mother's actions. What Rosa bypassed in her attack was the fact that the prosecution had concluded that the woman was insane and for that reason did not prosecute her.
I am not going to repeat all of Rosa's misinformation about autism on this site. Her statements of fact are in fact simply her opinions, opinions that reflect her hostility towards autism parents who fight to improve their childrens' life prospects by speaking honestly in the effort to find autism causes, cures, treatments and services for their children. These parents, and I consider myself one of them, do not conform to Rosa's angry .... and flat out silly ... mischaracterizations.
While Rosa is out with her non evidence based rants about autism disorders and parents fighting for their autistic kids here is a bit of autism reality from the New England Journal of Medicine, the kind of stuff Rosa doesn't want the world to know about:
While Rosa is out with her non evidence based rants about autism disorders and parents fighting for their autistic kids here is a bit of autism reality from the New England Journal of Medicine, the kind of stuff Rosa doesn't want the world to know about:
"Genomics, Intellectual Disability, and Autism
"Autism spectrum disorders have been estimated to affect as many as 1 in 100 to 1 in 150 children.4,5 Disorders on the autism spectrum share features of impaired social relationships, impaired language and communication, and repetitive behaviors or a narrow range of interests. Many children with autism spectrum disorders also have intellectual disability, and approximately 75% have lifelong disability requiring substantial social and educational support. Thus, autism and intellectual disability together represent an important health burden in the population and are frequent reasons for referral to genetics and developmental pediatrics clinics for a diagnostic workup."
Prediction: the next similar tragedy that befalls an autistic child will also be blamed by Rosa on other autism parents with whom she disagrees. Her views will unfortunately be promoted by the Mnookins, Brocks and other professional and academic Neurodiversity subscribers. Thinking Persons Guide to Autism? Not even close.