Last Day of Full time ABA

last day of full time pre - school ABA today .  after 3 years of consultants, training, paperwork and awesome tutors.... how can I possibly sum up what I am feeling?

St Amant has taken my non- verbal , not toilet - trained, head banging, hand flapping,  low functioning "strong silent one" and turned him into a chatting (albeit argumentative lol) loving, flourishing 7.5 year old who is almost in line with his peers.
The tutors  have walked into our home and became members of our family as we celebrated every little milestone , cried together over frustrations and enjoyed each other's personal life changes (like graduations, babies, new jobs, first steps, first homes, to name a few).

From the first successful program ( "He did it! He clapped his hands!") to the school days at the beach, to a crowd of adults cheering him on as he rode his bike for the first time. And now he is reading on his own, making friends, excelling in math, learning to negotiate and stand up for himself while asking interesting questions.

We will have regressions and set backs but for all the work you all have done, I can never EVER thank you enough for giving him an amazing head start into what is bound to be a very promising life.

We are ready for another chapter in our family history books as he heads into being the first homeschooled child, in Canada, to have ABA in his home (via consulting while I run all the programs).


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