Medicare's Orphans: Dr. Melvin DeLevie On Canada's Archaic Approach To Autism Treatment

Medicare for Autism Now! is featuring a series of interviews in connection with the Medicare's Orphans series.  Interview 3 features Dr.  Melvin DeLevie a practicing British Columbia physician with extensive experience with autistic children.  As summarized on the Medicare for Autism Now! web site:

"Dr. Melvin DeLevie, long-time Vancouver paediatrician with extensive experience dealing with children with autism. This 20 minute interview is a powerful indictment of Canada’s archaic approach to the treatment of autism which is in stark contrast to the treatment of children with any other disease or disorder. He gives examples of why social services personnel are ill-equipped to deal with what is in-fact a medical condition. He eloquently expresses frustration with the “people in charge” who are both “blind and deaf” toward what he terms the “lost children”."

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