Daryl Hannah has Autism

Famous People with Autism and Videos on Autism
 You are not alone in dealing with Autism.  There are many people in this world who have Autism or live live with someone who has Autism. Some famous people with Autism Spectrum Disorders include:
  • Daryl Hannah, an American actress best known for her roles in Splash, Blade Runner and Kill Bill was diagnosed as a child as being 'borderline autistic'
  • Matthew Laborteaux, actor on Little House on the Prairie
  • Robert Gagno, actor from Vancouver
  • Dan Aykroyd, comedian and actor: Aykroyd stated he has Asperger's

  • Craig Nicholls, frontman of the band The Vines
  • Dawn Prince-Hughes, PhD, primate anthropologist, ethologist, and author of Songs for the Gorilla Nation
  • Vernon L. Smith, Nobel Laureate in Economics
  • Satoshi Tajiri, creator of Pokémon

  • Michelle Dawson, autism researcher and autism rights activist who has made ethical challenges to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Bill Gates, Microsoft Chairman and world's third richest man (2008)
  • Albert Einstein possibly had an Autism Spectrum disorder, watch the video below for more information.

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